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What does the MYP involve?

  • Gives you the opportunity to develop the knowledge, attitude and skills to deal with complex issues and take responsibility for the future.
  • Ensures breadth and depth of learning through the study of subjects from seven disciplines: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Maths, Sciences, Individuals & Societies, Arts, PHE and that up to and including grade four.
  • Allow you to actively participate in society, for example through the community project.
  • Ensures that you learn in context, the best way to learn something. The MYP uses the following global contexts to help you better understand what it is to be internationally minded
  • Guarantees activating didactics through the use of concepts for each subject.

Concepts provide cohesion in learning. There are sixteen key concepts and related concepts (subject-specific concepts). They make you look at things through different eyes. Examples of key concepts are: communication, systems, form, perspective.

Concepts in an overview

The subjects

Language and literature: Dutch and English

In the subject Language and literature, you develop linguistic, analytical and communicative skills whereby the units are pre-eminently interdisciplinary, i.e. related to several subjects. You will study a sophisticated mix of texts and various literary genres.
Language and literature enables you to think both creatively and critically and to use language to communicate, analyse and reflect at a high level.

Language acquisition: German and Spanish

Language acquisition focuses on the acquisition of communication skills with respect for the cultural diversity that the foreign language entails.
You work with different types of sources such as texts, YouTube films, film clips, commercials, music and research questions, which also stimulate international interest.


Maths lessons ensure that you appreciate mathematics, become curious, understand the thinking behind it and can communicate well about mathematical concepts and theorems. It stimulates logical, critical and creative thinking. You develop techniques for problem solving. In this way you gain many practical mathematical skills that will also be useful in the world outside school.

Individuals & Societies

At Individuals & Societies (I&S) we take a critical look at socio-historical issues, such as ‘Does Democracy work? Or ‘Can poverty be stopped?
In addition, in I&S we try to look at information sources and use them from different perspectives: not only historical but also economic and geographical. You will take the history exam in MYP year 5 (4 vwo). If you choose the CM/EM profile, you will also take economics and business economics in MYP 5.

Physical and health education

In addition to a diverse exercise programme focused on social and motor development, the subject PHE also includes a weekly hour of theory. In the subject PHE, we delve deeper into themes concerning the importance of a healthy lifestyle and making connections between movement and the subject Sciences, such as biomechanics and training theory. You learn to understand the theory in a practical way and apply the learned theory in practice.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts consists of different parts that are always connected. You learn to ‘look at art’, ‘analyse art’ and ‘respond to art’. You do research by making visual pieces yourself. You learn to apply different visual techniques, to develop concepts and to reflect on your work.  Together, we discover that art is a form of communication.


We pay particular attention to the natural sciences of biology (also MYP exam) and chemistry. In two years of MYP at Supreme College, you will have laid an excellent foundation for these two subjects in the Dutch vwo diploma. If you choose a NG/NT profile for the vwo central exam after the years of MYP, we also offer physics in year 5 MYP (4 vwo).

You develop into an active, critical and creative thinker, who is able to investigate according to the scientific method. You dare to doubt and to learn from mistakes made. But you will also develop into a balanced young adult who can interpret the value of scientific and technological developments, also within the overarching MYP contexts of ‘globalisation and sustainability’ and ‘fairness and development’.

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